I got a big load of soil from you a while back for my new garden with raised beds. I just need to tell you how wonderful your 'product' is. I've been gardening for over 35 years. Before we built our house and moved up here, I had pretty good gardening soil. Once we moved to our new house I quickly discovered that the soil was not friendly to most gardening vegetables. Recently I started to build a new garden with raised beds and found your business on the internet. I was eager to get good soil that would help me grow wonderful food. Well the soil you brought me far exceded any expectations I could ever imaging. In all my years of gardening, I have never seen such lush growth and healthy plants than I have this year! Honestly, I'm flabbergasted. I never knew plants could be so...I'm not sure of the right word...'alive' might be it.
I can't thank you enough for doing what you do and providing the great soil that you make.